Saturday, July 12, 2014

USLME Mnemonics: Step 2 CK and Step 3

Congenital Rubella ABCDs

A: Art (heart disease)
B: Bluberry muffins baby
C: Cataracts
D: Deafness

Congenital Rubella ABCDs

A: Art (heart disease)
B: Bluberry muffins baby
C: Cataracts
D: Deafness

Congenital Toxoplasmosis


C: Chorioretinitis
C: Calcification (intracranial)
C: Causes symmetrical IUGR
C: Cat feces, raw goat milk, infected meat

Contraindications to Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Stroke


S: Stroke in last 3 months
H: Head injury in last 3 months
I : Intracranial hemorrhage
P: PT > 15 sec
B: BP > 185/110
L: Lumbar puncture in last 7 days
A: Anticoagulants use / Arterial puncture in last 7 days
S: Surgery within last 14 days
T: Thrombocytopenia < 100,000

Glaucoma Drugs


A: Alpha Agonist (non-selective) Epinephrine
A: Alpha2 agonist: Apraclonidine
B: Beta blocker : Timolol
C: Cholinomimetic : Pilocarpine
D: Diuretic : Acetazolamide, Mannitol
E: Eicosanoid: Latanoprost



P: Pilocarpine
A: Acetazolamide, mannitol
L: Latanoprost

Hepatic Encephalopathy Precipitating Factor


H: Hemorrhage in GIT / Hyperkalemia
E: Excess protein in diet
P: Paracentesis
A: Acidosis / Anemia
T: Trauma
I : Infection
C: Colon surgery
S: Sedatives

Hypokalemia causes

4 Ds

D: Diarrhea
D: Diabetes
D: Digitalis
D: Diuretics

Post Op Fever Mnemonic

A Patient Ultimately Develops Wound Abscess

A: Atelectasis
P: Patient
W: Wound infection
A: Abscess (deep)

Preterm Labor Causes


C: Change in dilation or Effacement on exam
C: Cervical dilation of 2 cm or more
U: Uterine contraction of 3cm or more in 30min
P: Pregnancy from 20-36wks

Puetz-Jeghers Syndrome


P: Pigmented lips and oral mucosa
J: Jejunal polyps

RhoGAM indications


A: Amniocentesis / Abruptio placenta
B: Baby RhD positive delivered
C: CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling)
D: D&C

RhoGAM is given at 28 wks of gestation with in 72hrs of above mentioned conditions

Schizoid, Schizotypal, Schizophreniform

schizOID = avOIDs

schizoTYPAL = not your TYpical PAL (weirdo)

schizophreniFORM = schizophrenia FORMing (shizophrenia after 6 months)

SLE Diagnostic Criteria


S: Serositis (eg pleuritis or pericarditis)
O: Oral ulcers
A: Arthritis (usually oligo or polyarticular)
P: Photosensitivity

B: Blood disorders (hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia)
R: Renal (nephrotic picture)
A: Anti nuclear antibodies (in 95%)
I : Immunologic abnormalities (Anti-sm, Anti dsDNA, Anti-phospholipid )
N: Neurologic (seizures, psychosis)

M: Malar rash
D: Discoid rash

ST segment elevation

STudents LEAP into PuB

ST: ST segment elevation

L: Left ventricular aneurysm
E: Early repolarization
A: Acute myocardial infarction
P: Prinzmetal angina

P: Pericarditis
B: Bundle branch block

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome

7 S of SSSS

S: Staphylococcal
S: Skin tenderness
S: Scarlatiform diffuse erythema
S: Nikolsky
S: Sterile intact bulla (non contagious)
S: Subcorneal granular split of epidermis (biospy)
S: skin moistened and cleaned with isotonic saline and antibiotics

The Fours Hs of Secondary Pseudogout

H: Hyperparathyroidism
H: Hemochromatosis
H: Hypophosphatemia
H: Hypomagnesemia

USLME Mnemonics: Step 1

Antisocial Personality Disorder


C: Conformity to law lacking
0: Obligations ignored
R: Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
R: Remorse lacking
U: Underhanded (deceitful, lies, cons others)
P: Planning insufficient (impulsive)
T: Temper (irritable and aggressive)

Autosomal Dominant Genetic Disorders


M: Marfans & MEN
O: Osler-Weber-Rendu
C: Cholesterolemia
H: Huntington & von-Hippel-lindau
A: APKD & Achondroplasia
S: Spherocytosis
T: Tuberous Sclerosis
A: Adenosis polyposis
N: NF 1 and 2
D: myotonic Dystrophies

Autosomal Dominant Genetic Disorders

Very Powerful DOMINANT Humans

V- Von willibrands disease/ Von hippel lindau

P – Pseudo hypoparathyroidism

D – Dystrophia myotonica

O – Osteogenesis imperfecta/Osler-weber-rendu

M – Marfans syndrome

I – Intermittent porphyria

N – Neurofibramatosis

A – Achondroplasia, Adult polycystic kidney disease

N – Noonans syndrome

T- Tuberous sclerosis

H – Hypercholestrolemia

H – Huntington’s disease

H – Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy

H – Hereditary spherocytosis

H – Hereditary non polyposis coli

H – Hereditary hemorrhagic telengiectasia

Autosomal Recessive Disorders

A: albinism ,alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
B: beta thalassemia
C: cystic fibrosis,CGD,CAH
D: deafness(SNHL),dubin johnson
E: enzyme deficiencies(glycogen storage and lysosomal storage)
F: Friedrich's ataxia, fanconi anemia
G: G6PD,galactosemia
H: Hemochromatosis

S: Sickle cell disease
P: Phenylketonuria
w: Wilson's

Avoidant Personalty Disorder


C: Certainty (of being liked required before willing to get involved with others)
R: Rejection (or criticism) preoccupies ones thoughts in social situations
I : Intimate relationships (restraint in intimate relationships due to fear of being ashamed)
N: New interpersonal relationships (is inhibited in)
G: Gets around occupational activity (involving significant interpersonal contact)
E Embarrassment (potential) prevents new activity or taking personal risks
S: Self viewed as unappealing inept or inferior

Borderline Personality Disorder


A: Abandonment
M: Mood instability (marked reactivity of mood)

S: Suicidal (or self-mutilating) behavior
U: Unstable and intense relationships
I : Impulsivity (in two potentially self-damaging areas)
C: Control of anger
I : Identity disturbance
D: Dissociative (or paranoid) symptoms that are transient and stress-related
E: Emptiness (chronic feelings of)

Cystic Fibrosis: CFPANCREAS

Chronic bronchitis/bronchiectasis
Failure to thrive
Pancreatic Insufficiency (steatorrhea & low ADEK)
Neonatal GI obstruction (meconium ileus)
Clubbing of fingeRs
Elevated electrolytes in sweat (Cl>60)
Atresia of vas deferens (infertility)
Staph/Pseudomonas in sputum

Dependent Personality Disorder


R: Reassurance required for decisions
E: Expressing disagreement difficult (due to fear of loss of support or approval)
L: Life responsibilities (needs to have these assumed by others)
I : Initiating projects difficult (due to lack of self-confidence)
A: Alone (feels helpless and discomfort when alone)
N: Nurturance (goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support)
C: Companionship (another relationship) sought urgently when close relationship ends
E: Exaggerated fears of being left to care for self

Essential Amino Acids

P Phenylalanine
V Valine
T Threonine

T Tryptophan
I Isoleucine
M Methionine

H Histidine
A Arginine
L Leucine
L Lysine

Histrionic Personality Disorder


P: Provocative (or sexually seductive) behavior
R: Relationships (considered more intimate than they are)
A: Attention (uncomfortable when not the center of attention)
I: Influenced easily
S: Style of speech (impressionistic, lacks detail)
E: Emotions (rapidly shifting and shallow)

M: Made up (physical appearance used to draw attention to self)
E: Emotions exaggerated (theatrical)

Hypokalemia causes

4 Ds

D: Diarrhea
D: Diabetes
D: Digitalis
D: Diuretics

Narcissistic Personality Disorder


S: Special (believes he or she is special and unique)
P: Preoccupied with fantasies (of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love)
E: Entitlement
C: Conceited (grandiose sense of self-importance)
I : Interpersonal exploitation
A: Arrogant (haughty)
L: Lacks empathy

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder


L: Loses point of activity (due to preoccupation with detail)
A: Ability to complete tasks (compromised by perfectionism)
W: Worthless objects (unable to discard)

F: Friendships (and leisure activities) excluded (due to a preoccupation with work)
I: Inflexible, scrupulous, overconscientious (on ethics, values, or morality, not accounted for by religion or culture)
R: Reluctant to delegate (unless others submit to exact guidelines)
M: Miserly (toward self and others)
S: Stubbornness (and rigidity)

Paranoid Personality Disorder


S: Spouse fidelity suspected
U: Unforgiving (bears grudges)
S: Suspicious of others
P: Perceives attacks (and reacts quickly)
E: Enemy of friend? (suspects associates, friends)
C: Confiding in others feared
T: Threats perceived in benign events

Reportable diseases

Hep, Hep, Hep, Hooray, the SSSMMART Chick is Gone

Hep A
Hep B
Hep C
HIV :actually varies by state
Rubella○ TB

Schizoid Personality Disorder


D: Detached (or flattened) affect
I : Indifferent to criticism and praise
S: Sexual experiences of little interest
T: Tasks (activities) done solitarily
A: Absence of close friends
N: Neither desires nor enjoys close relations
T: Takes pleasure in few activities

Schizotypal Personality Disorder


M: Magical thinking or odd beliefs
E: Experiences unusual perceptions

P: Paranoid ideation
E: Eccentric behavior or appearance
C: Constricted (or inappropriate) affect
U: Unusual (odd) thinking and speech
L: Lacks close friends
I : Ideas of reference
A: Anxiety in social situations
R: Rule out psychotic disorders and pervasive developmental disorder

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome

7 S of SSSS

S: Staphylococcal
S: Skin tenderness
S: Scarlatiform diffuse erythema
S: Nikolsky
S: Sterile intact bulla (non contagious)
S: Subcorneal granular split of epidermis (biospy)
S: skin moistened and cleaned with isotonic saline and antibiotics

Surgery Mnemonics: Post Op Complications

Factors Delaying Wound Healing


D: Drugs
I : Infection/ Icterus / Ischemia
D: Diabetes

N: Nutrition
O: Oxygen (hypoxia)
T: Toxins

H: Hypothermia/ Hyperthermia
E: Etoh
A: Acidosis
L: Local Anasthetics

Post Op Complications, Early

Post op PROB

P: Pain
P: Primary hemorrhage
R: Reactionary hemorrhage
O: Oliguria
B: Basal atelectasis
S: Shock/ Sepsis

Post Op Fever Mnemonic

A Patient Ultimately Develops Wound Abscess

A: Atelectasis
P: Patient
W: Wound infection
A: Abscess (deep)

Rheumatology Mnemonics: Arthritis

The Fours Hs of Secondary Pseudogout

H: Hyperparathyroidism
H: Hemochromatosis
H: Hypophosphatemia
H: Hypomagnesemia

Rheumatology Mnemonics: Autoimmune Diseases

SLE Diagnostic Criteria


S: Serositis (eg pleuritis or pericarditis)
O: Oral ulcers
A: Arthritis (usually oligo or polyarticular)
P: Photosensitivity

B: Blood disorders (hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia)
R: Renal (nephrotic picture)
A: Anti nuclear antibodies (in 95%)
I : Immunologic abnormalities (Anti-sm, Anti dsDNA, Anti-phospholipid )
N: Neurologic (seizures, psychosis)

M: Malar rash
D: Discoid rash

Psychiatry Mnemonics: Personality Disorders

Antisocial Personality Disorder


C: Conformity to law lacking
0: Obligations ignored
R: Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
R: Remorse lacking
U: Underhanded (deceitful, lies, cons others)
P: Planning insufficient (impulsive)
T: Temper (irritable and aggressive)

Avoidant Personalty Disorder


C: Certainty (of being liked required before willing to get involved with others)
R: Rejection (or criticism) preoccupies ones thoughts in social situations
I : Intimate relationships (restraint in intimate relationships due to fear of being ashamed)
N: New interpersonal relationships (is inhibited in)
G: Gets around occupational activity (involving significant interpersonal contact)
E Embarrassment (potential) prevents new activity or taking personal risks
S: Self viewed as unappealing inept or inferior

Borderline Personality Disorder


A: Abandonment
M: Mood instability (marked reactivity of mood)

S: Suicidal (or self-mutilating) behavior
U: Unstable and intense relationships
I : Impulsivity (in two potentially self-damaging areas)
C: Control of anger
I : Identity disturbance
D: Dissociative (or paranoid) symptoms that are transient and stress-related
E: Emptiness (chronic feelings of)

Dependent Personality Disorder


R: Reassurance required for decisions
E: Expressing disagreement difficult (due to fear of loss of support or approval)
L: Life responsibilities (needs to have these assumed by others)
I : Initiating projects difficult (due to lack of self-confidence)
A: Alone (feels helpless and discomfort when alone)
N: Nurturance (goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support)
C: Companionship (another relationship) sought urgently when close relationship ends
E: Exaggerated fears of being left to care for self

Histrionic Personality Disorder


P: Provocative (or sexually seductive) behavior
R: Relationships (considered more intimate than they are)
A: Attention (uncomfortable when not the center of attention)
I: Influenced easily
S: Style of speech (impressionistic, lacks detail)
E: Emotions (rapidly shifting and shallow)

M: Made up (physical appearance used to draw attention to self)
E: Emotions exaggerated (theatrical)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder


S: Special (believes he or she is special and unique)
P: Preoccupied with fantasies (of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love)
E: Entitlement
C: Conceited (grandiose sense of self-importance)
I : Interpersonal exploitation
A: Arrogant (haughty)
L: Lacks empathy

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder


L: Loses point of activity (due to preoccupation with detail)
A: Ability to complete tasks (compromised by perfectionism)
W: Worthless objects (unable to discard)

F: Friendships (and leisure activities) excluded (due to a preoccupation with work)
I: Inflexible, scrupulous, overconscientious (on ethics, values, or morality, not accounted for by religion or culture)
R: Reluctant to delegate (unless others submit to exact guidelines)
M: Miserly (toward self and others)
S: Stubbornness (and rigidity)

Paranoid Personality Disorder


S: Spouse fidelity suspected
U: Unforgiving (bears grudges)
S: Suspicious of others
P: Perceives attacks (and reacts quickly)
E: Enemy of friend? (suspects associates, friends)
C: Confiding in others feared
T: Threats perceived in benign events

Schizoid Personality Disorder


D: Detached (or flattened) affect
I : Indifferent to criticism and praise
S: Sexual experiences of little interest
T: Tasks (activities) done solitarily
A: Absence of close friends
N: Neither desires nor enjoys close relations
T: Takes pleasure in few activities

Schizoid, Schizotypal, Schizophreniform

schizOID = avOIDs

schizoTYPAL = not your TYpical PAL (weirdo)

schizophreniFORM = schizophrenia FORMing (shizophrenia after 6 months)

Schizotypal Personality Disorder


M: Magical thinking or odd beliefs
E: Experiences unusual perceptions

P: Paranoid ideation
E: Eccentric behavior or appearance
C: Constricted (or inappropriate) affect
U: Unusual (odd) thinking and speech
L: Lacks close friends
I : Ideas of reference
A: Anxiety in social situations
R: Rule out psychotic disorders and pervasive developmental disorder

Psychiatry Mnemonics: Anxiety / Depression / Mania

Lithium Side Affects


L : Lethargy / Leukocytosis
I : Intention Tremor
T: Teratogenicity
H: Hypothyroidism
I : Insipidius (Diabetes)
U: Upper GI problems (nausea and vomiting)
M: Metallic taste

Pharmacology Mnemonics: Opthalmology

Glaucoma Drugs


A: Alpha Agonist (non-selective) Epinephrine
A: Alpha2 agonist: Apraclonidine
B: Beta blocker : Timolol
C: Cholinomimetic : Pilocarpine
D: Diuretic : Acetazolamide, Mannitol
E: Eicosanoid: Latanoprost



P: Pilocarpine
A: Acetazolamide, mannitol
L: Latanoprost

Pharmacology Mnemonics: Adverse Effects

Lithium Side Affects


L : Lethargy / Leukocytosis
I : Intention Tremor
T: Teratogenicity
H: Hypothyroidism
I : Insipidius (Diabetes)
U: Upper GI problems (nausea and vomiting)
M: Metallic taste

Pediatrics Mnemonics: Congenital Disorders

5S of Congenital CMV

S: Severe thrombocytopenia
S: Spleno-hepatomegaly
S: Sensorineural deafness
S: Symmetrical IUGR
S: Some periventricular calcification

Congenital Rubella ABCDs

A: Art (heart disease)
B: Bluberry muffins baby
C: Cataracts
D: Deafness

Congenital Toxoplasmosis


C: Chorioretinitis
C: Calcification (intracranial)
C: Causes symmetrical IUGR
C: Cat feces, raw goat milk, infected meat

Puetz-Jeghers Syndrome


P: Pigmented lips and oral mucosa
J: Jejunal polyps

Pediatrics Mnemonics: Dermatology / Integumentary

Clubbing Causes


C: Cyanotic heart disease
L: Lung disease (hypoxia, lung cancer, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis)
U: Ulcerative colitis/ crohns disease
B: Biliary cirrhosis
B: Birth defect
I : Infective endocarditis
N: Neoplasm (eg Hodgkins)
G: GI (malabsorption)

Opthalmology Mnemonics

Glaucoma Drugs


A: Alpha Agonist (non-selective) Epinephrine
A: Alpha2 agonist: Apraclonidine
B: Beta blocker : Timolol
C: Cholinomimetic : Pilocarpine
D: Diuretic : Acetazolamide, Mannitol
E: Eicosanoid: Latanoprost



P: Pilocarpine
A: Acetazolamide, mannitol
L: Latanoprost

Oncology Mnemonics: Dermatology


ABCDE of Melanoma

A: Asymmetry
B: Border (irregular)
C: Color (heterogenous)
D: Diameter (6mm or more)
E: Elevation / Evolution (changing)

Neurology Mnemonics: Altered Mental Status

Hepatic Encephalopathy Precipitating Factor


H: Hemorrhage in GIT / Hyperkalemia
E: Excess protein in diet
P: Paracentesis
A: Acidosis / Anemia
T: Trauma
I : Infection
C: Colon surgery
S: Sedatives

Neurology Mnemonics: Stroke

Contraindications to Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Stroke


S: Stroke in last 3 months
H: Head injury in last 3 months
I : Intracranial hemorrhage
P: PT > 15 sec
B: BP > 185/110
L: Lumbar puncture in last 7 days
A: Anticoagulants use / Arterial puncture in last 7 days
S: Surgery within last 14 days
T: Thrombocytopenia < 100,000

Medicine Mnemonics: Urogenital

STD History

5Ps of STD History

Protection from STDs
Past History of STDs
Prevention of Pregnancy

Medicine Mnemonics: Rheumatology

SLE Diagnostic Criteria


S: Serositis (eg pleuritis or pericarditis)
O: Oral ulcers
A: Arthritis (usually oligo or polyarticular)
P: Photosensitivity

B: Blood disorders (hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia)
R: Renal (nephrotic picture)
A: Anti nuclear antibodies (in 95%)
I : Immunologic abnormalities (Anti-sm, Anti dsDNA, Anti-phospholipid )
N: Neurologic (seizures, psychosis)

M: Malar rash
D: Discoid rash

The Fours Hs of Secondary Pseudogout

H: Hyperparathyroidism
H: Hemochromatosis
H: Hypophosphatemia
H: Hypomagnesemia

Medicine Mnemonics: Neurology

Contraindications to Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Stroke


S: Stroke in last 3 months
H: Head injury in last 3 months
I : Intracranial hemorrhage
P: PT > 15 sec
B: BP > 185/110
L: Lumbar puncture in last 7 days
A: Anticoagulants use / Arterial puncture in last 7 days
S: Surgery within last 14 days
T: Thrombocytopenia < 100,000

Medicine Mnemonics: Nephrology

Hypokalemia causes

4 Ds

D: Diarrhea
D: Diabetes
D: Digitalis
D: Diuretics

Medicine Mnemonics: Skin / Integumentary

Clubbing Causes


C: Cyanotic heart disease
L: Lung disease (hypoxia, lung cancer, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis)
U: Ulcerative colitis/ crohns disease
B: Biliary cirrhosis
B: Birth defect
I : Infective endocarditis
N: Neoplasm (eg Hodgkins)
G: GI (malabsorption)

Erythema Nodosum causes


D: Drugs (eg sulfonamides)
I : Infections (eg strep)
P: Pregnancy
U: Ulcerative Colitis

Herpes Zoster Treatment


A: Acyclovir (or valAcyclovir)
A: Analgesics
A: Amitryptiline (other TCAs for neuralgias)
A: Antibiotics (for secondary infection)

Pruritis Systemic Causes


I : Iron deficiency anemia / Internal Malignancy
T: Thyroid disease / Type 1 DM
C: CRF / Chronic liver disease
H: HIV infection / Hereditary hemochromatosis

Medicine Mnemonics: Cardiovascular

Atrial Fibrillation Treatment


R: Rate Control
A: Anticoagulation
C: Cardioversion
E: Etiology

Raynauds Phenomenon Causes


C: Cryoglobulins / Cryofbrinogens
O: Obstruction / Occupational
L: Lupus erythematosus, other connective tissue disorder
D: Diavetes mellitus/ Drugs

H: Hematologic problems (polycythemia, leukemia, etc)
A: Arterial problems (atherosclerosis)
N: Neurologic problems (vascular tone)
D: Disease of unknown origin (idiopathic)

ST segment elevation

STudents LEAP into PuB

ST: ST segment elevation

L: Left ventricular aneurysm
E: Early repolarization
A: Acute myocardial infarction
P: Prinzmetal angina

P: Pericarditis
B: Bundle branch block

SVT Treatment

ABCDE of SVT Treatment

A: Adenosine
B: Beta-blocker
C: Calcium channel antagonist
D: Digoxin
E: Excitation (vagal stimulation)

Infectious Disease Mnemonics: Dermatology

Erythema Nodosum causes


D: Drugs (eg sulfonamides)
I : Infections (eg strep)
P: Pregnancy
U: Ulcerative Colitis

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome

7 S of SSSS

S: Staphylococcal
S: Skin tenderness
S: Scarlatiform diffuse erythema
S: Nikolsky
S: Sterile intact bulla (non contagious)
S: Subcorneal granular split of epidermis (biospy)
S: skin moistened and cleaned with isotonic saline and antibiotics

Infectious Disease Mnemonic: Congenital / Infancy

5S of Congenital CMV

S: Severe thrombocytopenia
S: Spleno-hepatomegaly
S: Sensorineural deafness
S: Symmetrical IUGR
S: Some periventricular calcification

Congenital Rubella ABCDs

A: Art (heart disease)
B: Bluberry muffins baby
C: Cataracts
D: Deafness

Congenital Toxoplasmosis


C: Chorioretinitis
C: Calcification (intracranial)
C: Causes symmetrical IUGR
C: Cat feces, raw goat milk, infected meat

Infectious Disease Mnemonics: Cardovascular

Rheumatic Fever

Jones 5 Major Criteria: SPACE

S: Subcutaneous Nodules
P: Pancarditis
A: Arthritis
C: Chorea
E: Erythema Marginatum

Genetics Mnemonics: Genetic Disease

Autosomal Recessive Disorders

A: albinism ,alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
B: beta thalassemia
C: cystic fibrosis,CGD,CAH
D: deafness(SNHL),dubin johnson
E: enzyme deficiencies(glycogen storage and lysosomal storage)
F: Friedrich's ataxia, fanconi anemia
G: G6PD,galactosemia
H: Hemochromatosis

S: Sickle cell disease
P: Phenylketonuria
w: Wilson's

Puetz-Jeghers Syndrome


P: Pigmented lips and oral mucosa
J: Jejunal polyps

Gastroenterology Mnemonics: Hepatic / Splenic Disorders

Hepatic Encephalopathy Precipitating Factor


H: Hemorrhage in GIT / Hyperkalemia
E: Excess protein in diet
P: Paracentesis
A: Acidosis / Anemia
T: Trauma
I : Infection
C: Colon surgery
S: Sedatives

Toxicology Mnemonics

4 Ds of Botulism

D: Diplopia
D: Dysarthria
D: Dysphonia
D: Dysphagia

Dermatology Mnemonics: Oncology


ABCDE of Melanoma

A: Asymmetry
B: Border (irregular)
C: Color (heterogenous)
D: Diameter (6mm or more)
E: Elevation / Evolution (changing)

Dermatology Mnemonics: Miscellaneous / Other

Clubbing Causes


C: Cyanotic heart disease
L: Lung disease (hypoxia, lung cancer, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis)
U: Ulcerative colitis/ crohns disease
B: Biliary cirrhosis
B: Birth defect
I : Infective endocarditis
N: Neoplasm (eg Hodgkins)
G: GI (malabsorption)

Pruritis Systemic Causes


I : Iron deficiency anemia / Internal Malignancy
T: Thyroid disease / Type 1 DM
C: CRF / Chronic liver disease
H: HIV infection / Hereditary hemochromatosis

Raynauds Phenomenon Causes


C: Cryoglobulins / Cryofbrinogens
O: Obstruction / Occupational
L: Lupus erythematosus, other connective tissue disorder
D: Diavetes mellitus/ Drugs

H: Hematologic problems (polycythemia, leukemia, etc)
A: Arterial problems (atherosclerosis)
N: Neurologic problems (vascular tone)
D: Disease of unknown origin (idiopathic)

Dermatology Mnemonics: Infectious / Inflammatory Conditions

Erythema Nodosum causes


D: Drugs (eg sulfonamides)
I : Infections (eg strep)
P: Pregnancy
U: Ulcerative Colitis

Herpes Zoster Treatment


A: Acyclovir (or valAcyclovir)
A: Analgesics
A: Amitryptiline (other TCAs for neuralgias)
A: Antibiotics (for secondary infection)

Dermatology Mnemonics: Hypo / Hyper Pigmentation

Albinism: Type I vs II

One has None. Two Accumulates

Type I: have no pigment
Type II: No pigment at birth, but accumulates as the person ages.

Generalized Skin Hyper-pigmentation Causes

With generalized none of skin is SPARED

S: Sunlight
P: Pregnancy
A: Addisons disease
R: Renal Failure
E: Excess iron (hemochromatosis)
D: Drugs

White patch of skin causes

Vitiligo PATCH

V: Vitiligo

P: Pityriasis alba/ Post-inflammatory hypo-pigmentation
A: Age related hypo-pigmentation
T: Tinea versicolor / Tuberous sclerosis
C: Congenital birthmark
H: Hansens (leprosy)

Cardiology Mnemonics: Ischemia / Infarction

ST segment elevation

STudents LEAP into PuB

ST: ST segment elevation

L: Left ventricular aneurysm
E: Early repolarization
A: Acute myocardial infarction
P: Prinzmetal angina

P: Pericarditis
B: Bundle branch block

Cardiology Mnemonics: Infection / Inflammation

Rheumatic Fever

Jones 5 Major Criteria: SPACE

S: Subcutaneous Nodules
P: Pancarditis
A: Arthritis
C: Chorea
E: Erythema Marginatum

Cardiology Mnemonics: ECG / EKG

ST segment elevation

STudents LEAP into PuB

ST: ST segment elevation

L: Left ventricular aneurysm
E: Early repolarization
A: Acute myocardial infarction
P: Prinzmetal angina

P: Pericarditis
B: Bundle branch block

Cardiology Mnemonics: Arrhythmias

Atrial Fibrillation Treatment


R: Rate Control
A: Anticoagulation
C: Cardioversion
E: Etiology

SVT Treatment

ABCDE of SVT Treatment

A: Adenosine
B: Beta-blocker
C: Calcium channel antagonist
D: Digoxin
E: Excitation (vagal stimulation)

Cardiology Mnemonics: ACLS / BLS

SVT Treatment

ABCDE of SVT Treatment

A: Adenosine
B: Beta-blocker
C: Calcium channel antagonist
D: Digoxin
E: Excitation (vagal stimulation)

Anatomy Mnemonics: Upper limb / Hand

Deltoid Proximal Attachments

deltoid CLASPs

C: CLavicle
A: Acromian
SP: Spine of scapula

Hand: nerve lesions


D: Drop = R: Radial nerve
C: Claw = U: Ulnar nerve
M: Median nerve = A: Ape hand

Intrinsic Muscles of Hand (Palmer Surface)

All For One And One For All

A: Abductor pollicis longus
F: Flexor pollicis brevis
O: Opponens pollicis
A: Adductor pollicis

O: Opponens digiti minimi
F: Flexor digiti minimi
A: Abductor digiti minimi

Intrinsic Muscles of Hand (Palmer Surface)

All For One And One For All

A: Abductor pollicis longus
F: Flexor pollicis brevis
O: Opponens pollicis
A: Adductor pollicis

O: Opponens digiti minimi
F: Flexor digiti minimi
A: Abductor digiti minimi

Lumbricals action

Lumbricals action is to hold a pea
that is to

Flex MP joint
Extend IP joint

Anatomy Mnemonics: Thorax / Respiratory System

Bronchi: Right vs Left, which is more lateral

Inhale a BITE, goes down the RIGHT

Inhaled objects usually lodge in right bronchus because it is more vertical.

Diaphragm apertures Spinal levels

Voice Of America

V: Vena Cava (inferior) T8
O: Oesophagus: T10
A: Aorta: T12

Muscles of respiration

Dont Exercise In Quicksand

D: Diaphragm
E: External intercostals
I : Internal intercostals
Q: Quadratus

Posterior mediastinum contents


D: Descending Aorta
A: Azygos and Hemiazygous veins
T: Thoracic Duct
E: Esophagus
S: Sympathetic trunk/Ganglia

Thoracoacromial trunk: branches

Cadavers Are Dead People

C: Clavicular
A: Acromial
D: Deltoid
P: Pectoral